Water-Borne Diseases

These are the most common diseases which are transmittable via water and could be avoided through a good drainage system.

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever, also known as enteric fever or typhoid, is an infectious disease caused by “Salmonella Typhi” bacteria. Thus disease spreads through the means of contaminated food & water and close contact with infected persons. Symptoms of this illness are high to low-grade fever, abdominal discomfort, constipation or diarrhea, appetite loss, weaknee, and headache.


Cholera is an infection of the intestines caused by ingesting food or water contaminated by the bacterium “Vibrio Cholerae.” This infection causes watery, painless, and profuse diarrhea which can quickly lead to severe dehydration and finally, death if the illness is not immediately treated. A healthy individual might die within 2-3 hours of contraction of the disease.


Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection which is communicated by rats through their wastes(urine and feces) through the “Leptospira Spirochetes” bacteria. This infection has a possibility of contaminating soil, water, vegetation, and food. This could be contracted whenever one ingests contaminated food or water, or if open wounds/broken skin are exposed to contaminated water. This disease incubates for 7-10 days.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is one of the oldest diseases known to mankind, Hepatitis A is an infectious disease caused by the Hepatitis A virus(HAV.) This is most commonly contracted through ingestion of contaminated food and water contaminated by human waste of people with Hepatitis A. The symptoms of this disease are fever, dizziness, loss of appetite, muscle & joint aches, and weakness.