Atienza Writeup

As a Philippine Science High School Scholar the flooding in our country affect me and my peers greatly. The floods make travelling a whole lot harder and as a dormer leads to many logistical problems with getting my clothes and stuff I need brought to the dorm. The storms that bring these floods upon us also causes cancellation of classes which of course bring more problems to us students and the staff. Less flooding in our cities would lead to a more efficient commute and more efficient use of our time.

This flooding also leads to the deposition of trash in many different areas where they should not be. The streets around Quezon City and Manila are littered with these trash. This leads to a less clean environment and pollutes the land and water of our country. Pollution as we know leads to the destruction of our natural resources, which would be a major problem for the future of our country. Better drainage systems would lead to less pollution and less floods which would overall better our environment.

Santelices Writeup

As a Philippine Science High School Main Campus scholar, i have experienced many floods in or near our area. I am very much aware that this happens throughout the entire country.

I often hear from my fellow classmates the struggles of commuting on a regular basis, but how much worse would it be if flooding became a common thing? Could you imagine having to leave your house an hour earlier than your schedule that is already early?

Commuting isn’t the only common problem here, but as well as multiple houses being severely damaged by flooding. Appliances, furniture and other house hold materials may end up being washed away by disastrous floods. This may also be cause of pollution in the country, this is why we planned to use simple filtration systems in our drainage systems.

Last but not least, floods can carry a variety of diseases such as Typhoid fever and Leptospirosis. Several outbreaks of said diseases have been caused by very high floods.

I really think that adding more drainage systems will really help in preventing more floods in the Philippines.

Vergara Writeup

In Metro Manila, the drainage systems in the streets and highways are absolutely awful. The drainages are very few and very inefficient such that only moderate rains for a few minutes can cause the entirety of the road to be flooded. This is also why work and classes are usually suspended in Metro Manila due to moderate to heavy rainfall.

I believe that to solve issues around the Philippines, such as its drainage systems, we must all work together as a people, even if we don't get any help from the government. Change starts with the people and we shall be one as a nation, progressing and growing as a country.